Interlocking Repairs & Replacement

Interlocking Concrete Pavements

This type of exterior flooring consists of blocks of concrete called paving units, which are joined together, creating a pattern where they meet.

  • Some of the benefits of interlocking concrete pavements include:
  • Easy snow removal: a common misconception about pavement is that it interferes with snow removal. This, however, is not the case. Municipal snow plowing equipment can be used on interlocking concrete pavements.
  • Easy repair or removal: The use of paving units makes it easy to repair or replace sections of the pavement. This is especially convenient when underground utilities need to be accessed, as the paving unites can simply be lifted out instead of sections of concrete being destroyed.

Not easily damaged by freeze-thaw cycles: paving units do not deteriorate as quickly as concrete does under extreme weather conditions.

Durability: paving units can last for 30+ years, much longer than other pavement alternatives.