Garage Rehabilitation

Owning a commercial parking garage offers many advantages to property owners in the GTA. However, maintaining the structural integrity of a parking garage is part of the overall upkeep required to keep a building safe. Staying on top of any essential parking garage restoration will not only ensure the safety of all traffic accessing the space, but it can also save you money in the long run.

Reasons for Parking Garage Restoration

One of the things commercial property owners may wonder is how to tell when parking garage restoration is necessary. Here are some of the big factors.

    • Constant traffic: is the main reason that parking garages need maintenance. Constant wear has its impact on the building, and if this wear is left alone it can become dangerous, which makes regular maintenance very important.
    • Water: spells trouble for garages. Whenever sitting water is present, it is a sign that there could be drainage problem or worse. Failing to attend to what often seems like a minor issue can lead to larger problems that pose a greater danger to the overall structure of the parking garage.
    • Vehicle Emissions: as well as tracked-in water and salt can seep into the floor and cause cracks, especially in the winter with salt on the roads. If left unattended, those cracks can turn into costly repairs.

The age of the parking garage is something that always needs to be considered when it comes to determining how frequently the structure should be assessed. The older the parking garage, the more vulnerable it is to deterioration.

Do Not Postpone Your Maintenance

While advances in technology have provided effective ways to preserve and extend the life of parking structures, parking garages still need to be inspected routinely to keep major problems at bay.
There is more to parking garage restoration than simply repairing cracks in the structure. It is important to keep in mind that any visible sign of distress in a structure is often indicative of a bigger problem beneath the surface. If the underlying issue is not addressed it will progress to a more serious stage. This is why a full evaluation should be done before any minor repairs are completed. If you are looking for garage restoration company, look no more – call Western BRL. We offer great service at compatible price!